What is L.O.V.E.?
The four lettered happiest, hurtful, mysterious (and what not!) word causing happiness, pain and loads of confusion in lives of people. While I started to write something about it on this "so called" special day, nothing popped up in my mind. Like nothing. Nada. I questioned myself - Can we really say/write about love? Can we really define love? Isn't Love a feeling to experience and an expression to let someone know about your feeling? There are SO many kinds of love that words alone can never do it justice. Probably that is the reason they simplified it to the phrase 'I Love You'. Love towards our parents, siblings, husband/wife, kids, family, friends, pets, acquaintances, and even to a stranger, we show our love and respect. Each one of us has our own feeling, experience, definition and obviously our own ways of expressing it. Love is like a sneeze, I feel.. you know.. the restlessness before and the relaxation after. Its exactly the same. And yo...