Who doesn't like surprises?

I am so so happy!!! Happy for surprising me who likes surprising others. *dancing*

Didn't understand? Read on.

I am always a kind of person who likes to surprise people, in any way. A sudden visit to home, wrong calls to friends, gifts to my niece, online shopping to special ones and so on. 

This thing started from my dad when he returned home from his business trip. I still remember those days when I was a little kid (1st or 2nd class?) and when my dad left to Mumbai on his business trip. As the little girl of my dad, I cried, cried and cried again till he returned. My mom always consoled me that he would come back soon with my gifts. I never bothered. 

One pleasant early morning, I couldn't believe my eyes seeing my dad at the door. For a moment I thought that was a dream and started to cry in sleep. That was the first surprise I remember as a kid. He also surprised me with a water bottle in the shape of colgate paste. I loved it. I took that to school and announced it to everyone that it was a gift from my dad's trip. I used it for years even after it was totally spoiled. I didn't feel like trashing it.

If you are wondering why I am talking all this suddenly, there were many more surprises from family and friends which touched me. And here they are, again. I meant surprises!

Will you not be surprised when you are late to job, when loaded with work, when boss is after you, when there is no time for phone calls, and you receive a Samsung Galaxy Tab from the mail guy? Yes, even I was! Totally surprised to receive it from The London Boy. Who would expect a tablet in return for a bunch of flowers? :P I was told to wait for an office acknowledgement letter which the boy gave me as a clue but my innocent mind couldn't interpret that *battling eye lashes* ;)

And then another surprise from sister and niece. The girly stuff. But still a surprise you know.

My niece always does this - hides something in her hands and asks me to close eyes and says 'SAPPAISSEEE' which means I should open my eyes and give her my bestest surprised/shocked/unexpected expression. And there she stands with her broadest smile and her eye brows raised. She then informs everyone that I was surprised coz of her. Isn't she sweet? I miss her!


  1. A sweet post, Pria! Who does not like pleasant surprises:)Your posts too are a surprise as the frequency od appearance is so unpredictable:)

  2. I love reading posts like this! I love surprises too..though everytime there's a surprise planned for me, someone spoils it for me!

  3. Awwww what a sweet post Pria. Even I absolutely love surprises.

  4. I love the necklace you got..co Chic! Enjoy ur surprises! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
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  5. Nice...lucky u! Yes everybody loves surprises.

  6. ur feelings r origional. nice to read ur blog.


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