Chubby cheeks :)

Apparently, I am starting the blog this year with a post complaining about my weight for the very first time. 

Most of my life, I struggled being almost underweight. While, it didn't bother me much, I still remember my 20s, mom trying all kinds of food on me just to make me gain that-needed-bit of fat. Slowly, I got obsessed to have chubby cheeks for once in my life. 
I have clear memory of how much of cashews, chocolates, ice creams, milkshakes I have gulped down extravagantly. 
Nothing helped much.

I can see that it is all working on me now in my 30s.

Once you are in 30s, you don't need to worry - Whatever you eat or not, weight just follows you.
Result: Mom is happy 😅

And me struggling to get into shape.

On another note, Corona virus has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO). Our schools are shut down, and offices might be closed soon here in Norway. It's huge and it's happening. Don't panic, but be vigilant and stay safe, everyone! Keeping healthy is the only priority now 🙏



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