I am still alive and with Red pants on!

This post is just to say that I am still alive and around. But not too much into blogging. My weeks have been running so hectic that I forgot to have lunch one day. I remember teachers back in school asking me this question when I forget to do my home work - "Do you forget to eat food?". Then I was surprised and always thought what a stupid question it is! But now I have the answer. Yes! I can forget eating when I am burdened with work.

Anyway, my red pants are here, finally after a long wait. Red and Black is one of my favorite combinations. I made a target to do a photo-shoot by end of every weekend. And also to post twice every week so that I will not be pending with my clothing/style posts. I have them in drafts but no time to post. 

Frankly, I just realized that I never bothered paid much attention about my follower's blogs or the blogs of people who comment on my posts. So now as I decided to be close to blogging, I promise I would be around very often and would take care of your posts. Be there soon!
** Dress of the Day **

Red pants: Wet Seal
Top: Banana Republic
Shoes: Lifestyle
Earrings: Dollar store
Watch: Fossil
Bracelet: Friend's
Happy week ahead!


  1. Hi

    Really I like the logical question and answer of school time, which is now pratically happening. U forgt to have lunch. Really, life changes so fast from kid to become young, bold and beautiful in red paint and black Top. Keeping such beautiful colours.

  2. Lovely combo...I love red too...In fact i have a red skirt which i absolutely love! :)

  3. You look really pretty :-). I have red pants too and I love them. They are just a shade darker than yours though :-)

  4. Ya now we know that you are alive...
    You are looking chubby and cute..
    keep smiling as u r doing in ur last pic :-)

  5. @Vijayant, Yes, life changed with few more stupid questions. Thank you!

    @Ria, Thanks! Would love to see your red skirt :)

    @Raaji, Thank you! Yea, I have seen many shades and liked the contrasting one :)

    @Ganesh, Sure, thanks! :)

  6. Yeah there were days when I forgot to have lunch too! I love your watch!

  7. Pretty Impressive...


  8. I would never forget food:P too much of a foodie I suppose...

    I like the watch too^:)

  9. @TheGirlAtFirstAvenue, Thanks!

    @Srikiran, Thanks!

    @PeeVee, I wish I am like that :(
    Thanks! :)

  10. Love the red pants!! And black and red never goes wrong :) you look good!!

  11. I want red pants too!! You looks super sexy.... <3


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