Happy Ugadi

Happy Ugadi! Hope everyone is safely celebrating at wherever you are, with whatever you have amidst this Covid chaos. May this new year bring you more happiness and keep you in good health.

It's yet another year of celebration away from home. The plan initially was to be home this year to visit families after Covid had hit India badly and spend time home attending the festivity. Alas.. work priorities took over and had to postpone my trip one more time. I hope this is the last time and I get to visit home soon. 

Trying my best to keep calm and continue being normal till the time comes. *fingers crossed*

Fortunately, we have been in a much safer position here in Norway. Haven't had any lockdowns so far (SO grateful about this!) and wearing mask hadn't been mandatory until recently. So you can imagine.

On the other hand, I feel concerned about the situation in India - Though it's good to know that many are being vaccinated, I feel pity about the people still having the consequences of Covid and at the same time, mad about the ones not following the safety regulations anymore. 

It's understandable that being in lockdown for several months in an year can be daunting, but if that is the only safest option, we should take care of ourselves and everyone around us.

Nevertheless, as long as you are safe, just stay where you are and keep patience, hoping for another miracle to happen in this New Year!

For anyone who doesn't know Ugadi: Ugadi is a South Indian festival, which officially marks the first day of the Hindu calendar. It's basically New Year for us and all about new beginnings and positivity. 

On the contrary, I decided to ramble away today before I start the year on a positive note.

Wow, ranting about Covid has become so normal now!

Anyway, though we are unable to celebrate the festivity much here with dressing up and all, style  bloggers always have a backup plan of pictures, don't we! ;)


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